It was only a matter of time. Stephanie Santoro, former Jon Gosselin nanny and alleged play thing, has opened up to celebrity gossip magazine In Touch.
Her allegation? That she and America’s favorite estranged husband bachelor had sex nine times (not that she’s counting). What a player this guy is.
Not surprisingly, the King of Pimps “wasn’t terrible,” but, by the same token, “it wasn’t the best I ever had.” Oh, quit downplaying it, Stephanie Santoro.
The whole thing started when Jon called her and asked for a massage. Anyone who’s been to a Chinatown massage parlor knows what that’s code for.

She obliged, obviously, because it is useless to try to resist Jon Gosselin, and the two ended up in his hot tub, where he uttered the following line:
[Drum roll, please, this one is an all-timer]
“Whatever you do, don’t fall in love with me … because it’s going to be impossible for me not to fall in love with you.”
Try to hurl into a paper bag, or at leas aim away from the keyboard.
Kate’s divorce lawyers are gonna have a field day with this one.
After the hot tub session, the dutiful dad “ran in to make sure all of the kids were asleep, and we went back into the apartment that is over the garage.”
You know what happened after that. They had sex while his kids slept. She was photographed leaving the next day, so this is probably at least partially true.
These revelations come a day after Marci Santoro, Stephanie’s mother, told Radar Online that an unstable Jon threatened to kill himself (he denies that).
Marci also told Radar that none other than Hailey Glassman, Jon Gosselin’s new girlfriend and everlasting “soul mate,” found out about Stephanie Santoro.
Jon’s plan of action? Ask Stephanie to lie for him to save his relationship with Hailey. Hey, why not keep the revolving door of loose women open, right?
Says Marci: “He asked her if she would call Hailey Glassman, calm her down and tell her they never had a relationship, that they never did anything.”
“He told Stephanie that he cared for Hailey, but didn’t see her as a person he wanted to spend his life with. He didn’t see her as a mother figure for the children, but said he couldn’t end it now because there was too much stuff.”
What that “stuff” is remains to be seen. We’re guessing he means “tail.”
Stephanie Santoro is definitely up to Jon’s mediocre standards.