LOOSE Women's Nadia Sawalha today bravely stripped off for a series of candid Instagram v reality snaps.
The 55-year-old, who has been vocal about her body issues in the past, posed in just her underwear to show very honest photos of how she looks without a filter or good lighting.

The TV star wants to encourage more women to love their body for what it is and be proud of any lumps and bumps we may have.
Nadia wrote a candid post next to the snaps: "WARNING ⚠️ WOMAN SHOWING CELLULITE !!
"Check out @danaemercer brilliantly honest insta versus real life pics showing how the difference of light and pose can change everything about the way we look!
"She was my inspiration for doing these pics... Honestly, all I did was change the lighting and the pose and look at the difference!! All taken within minuted of each other!"

She went on: "It’s all smoke and mirrors . I would do anything to have the years back that I wasted.
"Obsessing about my ‘flaws’ the only thing that was actually flawed was my ‘stinking thinking'.
"I work everyday at being more accepting of my beautiful warts and all body."
At the end she added: "Dare to bare girls!! It feels so good when you do . And you will honestly be at a loss as to why you didn’t do it sooner!!!

"Who will dare to bear?!? Free the fear and do it anyway! I promise you won’t look back."
Nadia has always been a big promoter of body confidence.
In 2018 she stripped off with some of her co-stars for Loose Women’s empowering Body Stories photoshoot – which was a huge deal for her after revealing she was “haunted” by body shaming early in her career.
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She said at the time: “I was doing a sitcom. I was 9st 7lb and my sister (Ab Fab actress Julia) was in the show as well and very, very thin.
“The wardrobe mistress took me out to get my clothes. She said to me, ‘You’re such a difficult size, you’re nothing like your sister.’ I was devastated. It haunted me for years, that.”
The actress also previously admitted that losing 4st for her 2010 fitness DVD made her “miserable”.
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