Seriously. It’s getting a tad old.
Who would have thought, back in 2000, that we’d one day get tired of Britney Spears upskirt photos. But how much of a train wreck singer’s axe wound do we really need to see? How many times can a hairless vagina be thrust in one’s face without the recipient saying “enough is enough.”
There is no reasoning. At this point, more people have seen Britney Spears with no underwear or no pants than know what her last hit song was. Come on, Lynne Spears. We thought you were getting your daughter under control!

But anyway, for those of you aren’t bored with this yet and who want another (censored) Britney Spears crotch shot, take a gander at this baby (factory) …
Maybe Britney just needed to get some fresh air for the ol’ coin slot after all the stress this custody battle and new album release are putting on her.
Either way, it’s not entirely hot, in our opinion. And the court is not likely to give her overnight visits with Jayden James and Sean Preston with a Britney Spears upskirt pic as Exhibit A. Or similar ones that might be Exhibits B-Q.