Even behind bars, convicted sexual predator Bill Cosby continues to claim that his prosecution and conviction is part of an elaborate conspiracy.
Now, the disgraced former entertainer has given his very first interview from behind bars.

Bill Cosby spoke to National Newspaper Publishers Association’s BlackUSA.com in his first interview from prison.
“I have eight years and nine months left,” the infamous convicted sexual predator begins.
Unfortunately, he is merely referring to his prison sentence.
That said, when he does appear before the parole board, anyone terrible enough to still be his “fan” shouldn’t get their hopes up.

“When I come up for parole, they’re not going to hear me say that I have remorse,” Cosby announces.
“I was there,” he says. “I don’t care what group of people come along and talk about this when they weren’t there. They don’t know.”
He continues to claim that his trial was a sham and “all a setup.”
“That whole jury thing,” Cosby rambles dismissively. “They were imposters.”
It may sound like he’s setting himself up for an insanity defense, but he’s been insisting upon this bizarre conspiracy theory for years.
During the interview, Cosby once again brought up an incident in which a juror allegedly told another juror that they felt that he was guilty.
That sort of comment is supposed to wait until deliberations, so Cosby’s lawyer brought it up; the judge did not dismiss the juror. Pretty standard stuff.
“It’s something attorneys will tell you is called a payoff,” Cosby opines.
Cosby is at least grounded enough in reality to acknowledge that his fame and wealth make him a “privileged man” despite being behind bars.
However, he has the sheer audacity to refer to himself as a “political prisoner.”
Defenders of Michael Jackson, R. Kelly, and Bill Cosby have made similar claims, that black heroes are being smeared.
While white supremacy is a very real horror, we should note that these three men are among many other men who have been accused of evil things.

Cosby’s hubris appears to have no limits.
He compares himself to Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Randal Robinson, and Dr. Benjamin Chavis
First of all, that is patently absurd. What was he fighting for that he believes that he’s being silenced?
Second of all, Gandhi would have hated Cosby. Not because of the sexual assault, but because he was black. Gandhi was super racist.
“I know what they’ve done to my people,” Cosby rants and raves.
“But my people are going to view me and say, ‘That boy looks good. That boy is strong,’” he asserts.
“I have too many heroes that I’ve sat with,” Cosby continues.
He adds: “Too many heroes whom I listened to like John Henrik Clarke, Kenneth Clark, and Dorothy Height.”
“Those people are very strong, and they saw the rejection of their people,” Cosby notes.
“This is political,” he asserts. “I can see the whole thing.”
It may sound funny to see a man accused by more than 60 women of sexual assault attempt to defend himself by pointing to real marginalization.
But in doing so, Cosby is hurting real victims of racism, just as he is accused of hurting so many women.
Bill Cosby: A Look at His Life Behind Bars
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