On Day 4 of Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test, 9 recruits remain. The tension amongst the recruits has started to simmer, especially between Beverley Mitchell and Kenya Moore. The Directing Staff task the recruits with a question that’s likely to start some drama: who do they trust the least?
Dwight Howard is up first and tries to choose himself. The DS make him choose another recruit, and he ultimately goes with Anthony Scaramucci. When Anthony is called, he picks Gus Kenworthy as the least trustworthy. After all the recruits pick, Anthony is voted the least trustworthy recruit.

The recruits face their biggest test yet. They will have to repel down cliff faces with a rope buddy on the ground. In this exercise, the break man (a.k.a. the rope buddy) controls the speed of the descent and must break the recruit’s fall. This is dangerous, to say the least.
Anthony is up first, and Gus is his break man. It’s a close call for Anthony, and he almost hits the ground. One of the DS scolds Gus for breaking “too late.” Beverley is already in tears over the exercise. Hannah Brown admits she isn’t the most trusting person, but she puts away any doubts in order to complete the mission.
Dwight decides to make light of the situation and screams on the way down. Kenya knows that the DS will not like Dwight’s behavior. She’s right. The DS force Dwight and his partner, Danny Amendola, to do 20 burpees as punishment.
Next up is Kenya, who has Beverley as her break man. “Don’t let me down. I have a child,” Kenya stresses to the 7th Heaven star. Kenya is extremely scared of heights, but she doesn’t let anyone know. Beverley does a really good job on her side of things. One of the DS admits that Kenya was “fearless” and had “no emotion.”

Later, Kenya is brought in for interrogation. They bring up her past behavior on Real Housewives of Atlanta. “I didn’t come here for drama,” she says. When the DS say she’s been “petty” and “vindictive” in the past, Kenya defends herself. “I feel like I always have a target on my back,” she tells them. She didn’t have the best upbringing, “I think I’ve come a long way from where I used to be,” she admits.
The next exercise requires the recruits to face a real-life combat experience, and they’ll have to put their team dynamics under pressure. The recruits are split into two teams. They have to push a truck together and carry heavy items up a steep hill.
As the exercise continues, Beverley starts to hyperventilate and falls to the ground. Dwight picks her up, but she collapses again. “I’m spinning,” she mutters. Beverley can barely stand up. “I’m afraid of cracking my head open on the rocks because I’m so unsteady,” she says. Beverley doesn’t think she can finish the exercise. She takes off her wristband and quits. She’s the eighth recruit to leave.

The exercise is still going on, and everyone is struggling. Anthony tries to rally his team, but he seems to be doing the least work. Kenya, Dwight, and Danny make it to their flag first even without Beverley. The other team is still working on it, with Anthony at the back of the pack. His team is beyond frustrated.
Anthony is called in for interrogation after his sub-par performance. The DS grill him about his mistakes. Anthony admits joining the Trump White House was a “big mistake.” He was fired after 11 days because he was “ill-suited for the job that he gave me and ill-suited for his temperament and personality. We were never going to get along because of the way he was operating the White House.”